Thursday, April 23, 2009

A few notes/tips on dieting if you ever need it ;)

Well the issue of weight has been one thats been known to pop up from time to time amongst my friends (more now considering the amount of girlfriends I have has increased since college).

So yeah, I never really had a problem with weight being a healthy growing guy with a high metabolism that's the envy of most girls and some of my more meatier guy friends. Recently though, I noticed the arrow on the weight machine has been pointing on a different digit compared to before (I gained a bit over the holidays from lazing about and stuffin ma face XD) so I decided to look into it and lose them extra pounds as I need to keep it down for cosplay purposes (need to be slim maaa =P) Here's a couple of things I found out from various sources that affect your eating habits which contributes to eating more and gaining that extra weight.

No 1.

Okay, being a student like most of my friends are. We love to stay up and mess around (thats the time you're rushing your assignments, you wanna yam cha and you wanna watch movie etc. etc.) so we'll most likely sleep late. If you're looking out for you weight, THIS IS A BAD IDEA especially when you know you're NOT GONNA GET ENOUGH SLEEP.

Basically what I found is that if you're LACKING sleep. You'll EAT MORE. What happens is, you're body tells your brain that it didn't get enough time to rest last night and it can't pump out enough energy for you to use, so you're body replies by asking you to EAT MORE to produce that extra energy thats needed. Seriously, I noticed its true.

No 2.
Divide your meals

Okay, normally the daily routine is 3 meals a day right? Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. If you wanna lose that weight without exercising... Try this. Break up the 3 meals into 6 EXCEPT eat less for each meal. I'm not saying starve yourself but maybe you can snack on buns and small stuff for those meals in between. IMPORTANT, drink LOTS of WATER! Water will help fill you up and fool your stomach into thinking its full. My lecturer suggested this since it works for him =3

No 3.

Okay I know not a lot of people are a fan of this but seriously guys if you wanna get rid of that fat, you gotta move that ass XD do something you enjoy but requires you to at least move about a bit to increase your metabolism rate. I personally like DDR, Ez2Dancer and ParaParaParadise but that's me. Maybe you can try the usual morning jog to college or just a good evening walk to the local park in your area? Hahaha I dunno, swimming is a good activity too if you can get access to a pool.

Thats about it from me, I figured I'd just share this piece of advice for your benefit. If you do end up trying these methods please tell me if it worked for you ;P since I've only done number 1 and 3 XD


Justine Phang said...

haha! yeaman! DDR totally helps in loosing weight. Dat's my form of exercise too! lolz.

ReidXavi said...

Hahaha I like Ez2Dancer more these days. Helps me flow more compared to stomping like in DDR. I so wish that there was a Pump It Up machine in Sunway for me to practice on but alas... the only machines available are in TS, Mines Shopping Centre and GENTING!!! >_< sigh...

Ay Ike Jay said...

well.. uhh well.. my way is kinda scary but it helps in a way..

since i was too busy during my exams + assessment week/month, been going on with this strict diet.

morning - had a freaking huge bowl of cereal/nestum/oat with milk (kept me full till evening)

evening- have whatever that is on the menu at the cafe (or more like a canteen) =<

midnight- fruits to snack on while revising.

not the kind one should follow but seriously, milk kinda helps to tone down the urge to eat more.

dropped like 2kg with this weird diet.

huhuh but one thing for sure. don't forget to do regular exercises to get the muscles tone. flabbyness just ugh much..

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