Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reno's holidays over yet again~

Gosh, the 9 days i got off of college have come and gone like a flash and... I didn't do much to show for it *squints* Well... lets recap... There was that LAN party I attended at Asia Cafe's FTZ along with Dei dei and Connman. Haha good times playing Left 4 Dead and COD 5 (I owned in COD5 but the opposition made me their bitch while playing L4D... I'm always the goodie two shoes who helps my friend but they leave me for the friggin zombies!!!!)

Hurm.... Come CNY day, I slept in till about 3 in the afternoon -_- yeah yeah I ain't proud of myself either and I missed the eclipse that happened thanks to the friggin cloud in Subang area.... thankfully Dei dei was free that day and he and his brother were planning to go to the movies (I tagged along and drove us over to 1U to watch InkHeart).

It was pretty lonely in the apartment during this entire week without my housemates. I felt miserable some days to the point of being Emo... Going back to my grandma's home didn't help either... despite having familiar faces around I felt horrible and even anime's that seemed comedic to friends were intrepretted as sad and sorrowful to me.

The week picked up bit by bit. Went to have some shisha with a handful of Comic Fiesta forumers and danced in the arcade on the machines. Celebrated a friend's birthday and caught up with the school mates I knew so well in the past (it was great seeing them again after so long). Cappy and Itomaki even dropped by to join me in a short anime marathon in my room (bet your brains are fried now after watching that one episode of Macademi Wasshoi huh girls? LOVE AND PEACEEEE!!!!)

Yeah... most of the other days were spent in bed, sleeping, surfing on9, watching funny vids like Achmed the Terrorist and FaceBooking... not a lot... well I did find a 100ringgit bill the other day which made me jump for joy and I finished one of my college projects which is due after the holidays so all in all it can't be as bad as some other people's CNY week right? Can it....?


Audrey Juicy Tits said...

Fried brain is right, would you like some soup with that?


ReidXavi said...

XD ahahahahaha I think with you and Cappy that'd make.... hurm.... 4.... no.... make that 5 since I still needed to watch it through the entire episode XD

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