Saturday, December 27, 2008

My CF 08 Experience

Well the highly anticipated weekend finally came, and just like that…. Its come and gone…. Yeah, I’m talking about CF 2008 people. I’ll give you a lil history behind me wanting to go for events like this. It all started with TAF 2007. Gosh I remember it like it was yesterday. I was studying A levels back then, college was a whole new thing for me and wouldn’t you know it? We had our own Anime Society and we were hosts to our very own Anime Festival; Taylor’s Anime Fest to be exact. So I was introduced to the world of cosplay. It intrigued me, sure I’ve seen people in costumes before but not people my age and certainly not this close up. Fast forward a whole year and it’s time for TAF 08 to take place, except this time… I’m no longer a spectator. XD I’m a friggin cosplayer!; Reno to be exact from the ever popular and famous game/CG movie FF7.

That was that, from that moment on… I was hooked and since that day, everyone who’s anyone in the cosplay community has been telling me the same thing. YOU HAVE GOT TO ATTEND CF OMGFTWBBQILIKEMILK! LOL! So yeah, I’ve been waiting awhile for this thing and truth be told…. IT ROCKED HARD!!!! Haha now I get what you guys were saying about the previous events being off the mark. CF is great indeed!

Anyways, that blabber aside…. I’ll give you my account for my first time at CF 2008. Here wii go yo!

So yeah, got up at 8a.m. I surprisingly woke up before my alarm went off too (haha subconscious must’ve nudged me to wake up). Dei was still fast asleep on the mattress next to mine and I nudged him. He was still tired from staying up the morning before (yes, we played PS3 and chatted all night long till it was morning…) He kept pressing the snooze button on the alarm but we managed to finally get up and we left the house about 9ish. Arrived at 10 because we had to pick up a couple of people on the way. So I had my make up applied by my personal make up artist (thanks Reg!!! appreciate it!) Everything was going smoothly and wouldn’t you know it? Zimz forgot to bring her brush for my scars *more squinty eyes* so yeah…. No Reno scars that day *sad…* and my hair was a lil fucked up coz it was too long… It wasn’t my best portrayal of Reno but people still seemed to recognize me so…. It wasn’t all bad I guess. Entered and posed for a couple of people and then….

BAM! I found my RUDE!!!! I was so glad that for once, Reno wouldn’t walk the halls Solo like I had to for the previous events! Thanks Rude for showing up at CF for at least day 1 ;)

Since all the tidus's went AWOL I figured it was time for the ol Reno to pick up the lonely Yuna's walking the hallways. H-e-l-l-o LADIES =3

Half the day goes by and I didn’t even have the chance to eat lunch properly, I’m out of the sushi king and rushing into the men’s room for a quick costume change into *drum roll* Gintoki!

From Gintama for a private shoot with my Gintama group. I’ve typed so much I figured I’d let the pics do the talking to describe the shoot XD it was a blast lols!

After that… I was just… guh… drained… I was so tired I fell asleep at the café on a couch holding my empty drink cup… it wasn’t till Tamz (Pikachu) started quick attacking me (poked me continuously) that I woke up. Dei is such a caring friend, he took me under his wing and really took care of me for those two days when it came to nourishment (Thanks a bunch man ;) you’re a good friend) he bought me a 100plus and I started to feel better.

Drove home after dropping him off at a station so he could get his boots and I basically fell on my bed clinging on to what life I had left in me (I was tired but I couldn’t sleep…. Know the feeling?) My housemate (like Dei) was worried when he saw me. He peered in to check on me to find a half dead guy chatting on MSN face down on his pillow. “Are you okay dude?” he asked opening the door slightly, “…Coz you look really dead, wanna eat something?”. I fixed myself up with some instant noodles and after ingesting some of that and a lively chat with my friend I was good to go again (too good that I didn’t sleep till 3…. Gah!)

Day 2 of CF promised more attendees, mostly because of the increased attendance of cosplayers because of the solo competition held that day. Alas, I felt something was missing that day… that high I got at AFA wasn’t present. It felt… dare I say It? Boring!? OMG NOOO This is CF!!!

But I guess that’s as far as it’ll go being an event hosted in Malaysia. Nevertheless, I shouldn’t complain so much! I had a blast meeting up with all these new faces and taking pictures. Made a couple of fans too XD you know who you are!

Anyways, I er…. Took part in a performance on day 2 *squints* a dance to be exact… so… yeah…. I’ll let the video do the talking and you can decide what to make of it XD some people loved it, others just continually did spit takes especially the ones in the front row or so I hear lol!

Long story short as far as the solo competition goes, I wasn’t good enough to make it to the finals. Competition was tough and I applaud the finalists who got to be in the final 8.

Nemesis, Zehn a cosplay friend of Dei’s and I was one of those finalists. I believe the remainders were, Yuna and Riku from FFX-2 they were the same ones I saw at AFA XP hot pair, they really suit the two characters. Asoka from Star Wars (she made her own light saber! Nicely done). Faust… I think he needs to study his character more, you weren’t jumpy enough dude… Blackstar from soul eater, haha hyper lil fella I must admit. Sheryl Nome! OMG she was one of the greats! My new cosplay heroine! She was damn in character! Hope I can reach her level of cosplay one day and uh…. Owh yeah, there was KRAUZER-SAMA lol! You were great Zimz! Really good cosplay!

Anyways, after the competition all I wanted to do was be Gin-san for the day and that’s what I did.

Walked around all unenthusiastic, wanting some sake, and reading my WEEKULY JUMPU~

I had a candy cane which I stole from Kagura but I finished it after a few hours… Shinigami-sama only ‘helped’ make it shorter too… guh… Here’s more pics…. The problem with my posts is that once I start typing I can never stop LOL!

All in all, a decent ACG event. I hope to see more of these in the future. If only I had been exposed sooner… all the events I’ve been missing out on… haha imma make it all up and go for all the events I can ;) next up! GACC!!!! HUYEAHHHH!!!! See you there ;)


Anonymous said...

ah. I see u stole my photo |3 *twitch2*

just kidding~ I got yer pose with Rude to make up for that XD.

That aside, I think you did the best Reno I've ever seen. You started out good even in your first try but I wasn't there during that event (i just look at some pics @_@). I thought you wouldn't cosplay as him again, so I'm quite happy that you did ^^. I feel honoured to take pics of yer Reno XD;;. thanks!


Sook Yee said...


Except the sad part is that, there's no the marks thingy on your face though. Glad you enjoy yourself there :P.

T Soong said...

Forgive me if I offended you. I was just being sulky...XD...


K said...

So when and where is GACC? I might attend it along with Choco and my other friends. Don't ignore us by that time Haha.... See you there. Thanks for the reply.

(PS: I really like the picture of you, Rude and... Kadaj is it?)

Raefeli said...

T^T i can feel all the fun you had in CF! *cries...
well...hope that i wont miss GACC. if not...COMIC FIESTA 2009!!!!!!

Lilplathy said...

Thx for dropping by! It took me a while to realise Reno is also Gintoki, haha
sorry for the bad pic quality...

ashe. said...

haha i was Saya from Blood the Last Vampire there on Day 1

wuhuu nice to meet you reno-san :D :D :D

ohhh u made an awesome Reno that day >w<

*a fangirl of Reno >//<"

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