Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Party at Metropolitan College

So yeah, it's the 31st... a time for scares and candy =3 so many parties to go to and I chose the one held in Metropolitan. Why? Coz my buds are going that's why lols! Cosplay gang get together again for the usual list of socializing activities. Chatting and catching up with as well as candid and some yaoi shots to boot.

Well I can't say too much about the party held at Metro. It wasn't the best thing i've been to to say the least. It was more of a private outing rather than an event or so it seem to be. Lack of organization and crowd control. Loads of people were doing their own thing in their own groups a.k.a syok sendiri XD

The cosplay competition was pretty fail aside from the lack of participation, nobody really did anything too wow for it (i know i didn't XP) but Jacky and MskGod's dances were amusing. I was pursuaded to join despite having thought about not doing so for the past week (i have nothing planned that's ready and good...) I did a monologue portraying a vamp that's losing his teeth and hates his wife (i die in at the end of it only to live on miraculously), got 2nd placing which netted me a figurine (hot swim suit chick) and a RM 600 voucher for products at Osim =.= i think i'll ge that head massager now X3

Loads of photos being taken by photographers. I didn't get too much attention but i know who did... don't I Aoitenshi? Joo cat galz joo =P Loads of fans you have. My nose almost bleed...

We did play some games but they just didn't have that edge to draw people into participating. Only us hardcore peoples took part (my arms are tired from that follow the leader business) darn joo hardgayjacky!

Before the night ended, we stopped by Starbucks and turned almost every head in there. A bunch of taylors college students greeted us by wishing a happy halloween (at least some people know what time of year it is)

Chilled at Burger King till it closed with Lan, Cappy, Izumi, Sky, Jacky and Hikaru.

Now at home kinda tired, kinda sleepy, definately bored in my room typing out this post while Jacky is MIA in my house and Hikaru is busy trying out DMC demo on my PS3 (that's Devil May Cry people, not Detroit Metal City XD)

I'm gonna go rest now... catch ya later... or not X3


Alex Raine said...

Hey! somehow.... i came across u at burger king! I must admit, you had one of the coolest outfit in the group & i'm hoping to see you at the CF this end of the year. WHen i saw ur pix, i was lyk... "THIS GUY! AT burger king!" once again, awesome outfit!

Lady Alie said...

rofl! hmm.. looks like there are many who watch too much *ahem* ecchii stuff ay? lol. well, i did somehow too a lot of pix but i have no idea where most of them went. rofl. but srsly, the event was sooooo hot! i wonder how u actually managed to survive in that hot suit of yours. lol. my silk baju was already like sticking like glue. T_T

Mugen said...

ur wig look like Tidus hair 8D

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