Thursday, June 12, 2008

Prom =D

Well it's the night most high school students dream of (in America....) but it's still a night to look forward to as you get to be with many of your peers who're all dressed up for the occasion. Though i haven't been to many of these events I had the opportunity to attend one last year with my friend, (now girlfriend) zereda, whose school which hosted it at the KL tower.

Sure, there's no alcohol (not that anyone needs any... *coughs*) but the music is usually pretty good (especially at the end when the lights go out *wink wink*) and the food is at least edible. What better time could you have mombo-ing with your friends (in body fitting dresses and their high heels and their expensive suits and ties) to likes of Shakira and Bob Marly (did i spell that right? LOL).

Of course, there's the performances which should be bite sized as the crowd prefers to mingle amongst themselves on this night rather than sit down and watch some people shake their booties.... (though i'm sure it's good and well if it's done right). we'd rather stuff our faces in food and throw jokes around the table and laugh our heads off at the ridiculous antics of the host (We had one and he rocked the house).

I'm not forgetting the excessive moments of cam whoring once everything is said and done (and a bit of cam jigolo-ing i might add). Here's a bunch of people I won't forget anytime soon. Looking their best too =)

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That was our Silver Soiree at the Sherathon. I wished you'd have stayed longer Zz, would've wanted to share a dance with you. Maybe next time i guess ;)

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